But, I'm Always Hungry!!

So, you've decided to get healthy.

Maybe you need to lose a little weight, so you can get into that perfect dress or your favorite pair of jeans that fit just right. Or, maybe life happens and you need to lose more than a few pounds that seem to have just crept up over night. Where did they even come from?? Maybe you've been overweight for most of your life or struggled with losing weight for longer than you'd like to admit. Trust me, you're not alone! And, if you're reading this, then you're off to a great start.

You've picked a plan. You have your strategies all mapped out. (If you haven't done this, check out our How to Choose Your WOE post.)You've stocked your fridge with healthy food and even prepped for the week. (If not, I strongly suggest stopping here and reading Stocking Your Fridge for Success and Prepping Made Easy posts. These steps are vital for success.) So, you're on the right track and maybe you even made it through Day 1....2....3...or maybe, you even made it through the entire 1st week. Buuuuuut......

Now, you feel like you may chew your own arm off!! Reality has set in and your body is fighting back. Your stomach is demanding it's daily dose of ridiculous calories or carb loaded sugary foods, and oh-the-sodas!! Where did my sodas go?! Your brain isn't helping matters either. It's trying to rationalize that one little snack won't hurt. I mean you usually eat much more than one little harmless snack. And, lets be honest. Your heart is hurting too. If you could just have one cupcake, you would feel better. Your mood would improve. And, everyone would benefit!

This way of thinking is what gets us in trouble to begin with. We have to take control and change the way we do things, beginning with how we think. You will be okay. In fact, you will be better than okay. Your body will thank you in ways that you aren't even thinking about right now. (You guessed it. We have a post about that too! Check out Benefits of Losing- Your Body Will Thank You.)

So, being told to take control and actually taking control is easier said than done.Lets see if we can help. Here are some tried and true strategies that really work to offset that hunger while your body adjusts.

1. Pick the right plan. This is so important! Do you enjoy eating large portions? Maybe traditional portion control plans aren't right for you then. Does the thought of taking time out of your already busy day to eat seem like a waste of precious time? On-the-go meal plans would be great for you. Think of this as match making made in food heaven. Find your perfect match. A little trial and error is acceptable here, but be careful with that. There are more tips and advice on that post. The most important thing here is to understand that you may not be fueling your body for success. Stay away from the kitchen! "But, you said I need to eat." ....I'm saying that you need to eat the right things for your body, lifestyle, and goals.

2. Prep! Prep! Prep! One of my favorite quotes I'm sure you've heard is, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." This could not be more true than in the weight loss world! Taking the time to prepare food lessens the risks of mindless snacking and binge eating, and greatly increases the likelihood of success and staying in control. So,  PREP YO FOOD!

3. H2O! Drink water!! "But, I don't like water." Ok, so drink tea, but ditch the sugar. Drink low cal drinks. Depending on the plan you use, you can even have diet sodas. I don't encourage that often, but hey, this is about what works for you. How much water should you drink? Well, that depends on your body weight, activity level, work environment....lots of factors. You know what? To keep this post rolling, we will devote another post to the specifics of How Much is Too Much?  Surprised much?? Nah, didn't think so. What can we say?? Helping people is our passion! For now, just know that you should be drinking water all day long. A fairly easy method being used right now is just to divide your weight in half and drink that in ounces. So, 150 lb person would drink 75 ounces of water. Adjust accordingly depending on your lifestyle and location. It's always hot here in Texas, so we drink a little more.....water people. We drink more water! Don't believe everything you hear about us southerners.

4. Mind Over Matter! Friends, this is where it all starts. This is where the thought began to make a change and ultimately this is where it will end if you quit. Decide what you want and go after it! You want or need to lose weight. You've already started. Don't quit! Stay the course! Again, easier said than done, so a few tricks that work.

**Before and after pics work wonders. Tape them to your mirror, in your car, or on your fridge. Keep one in your purse or wallet, or even on your phone. Look at it throughout the day to remind yourself of what you're working on.
**Develop a mantra. "I am beautiful. I am strong. I am healthy."  There's something to be said about speaking things into existence. Say it long enough and you will hear it! Start your morning out with this and say it all day long. "I will wear that dress (or tux) to my reunion. I will look my absolute best. I will work hard every day to achieve my goals."
**Pray!! If you're a praying person, do it! Yes, our almighty God wants to hear about all of your struggles, not just the big ones. Prayer helped me so much and still does on my journey to optimum health and wellness. Pray it out!!

If you know me, I like to keep the number of things on a list short. There are many more ways to fight off hunger, but these are the basic ones. If you're properly fueling your body, your body will adjust within a week or so, and you should find yourself feeling much better. Our bodies are amazing in how they operate, build, repair, and adapt when we take care of them. Try these out and let me know what you think. If you still need help, shoot me an email!

Be blessed! Be healthy! Be happy! Now, back to the table for more great tips, tricks, and recipes!
